Conveyor systems

Warehouse automation solutions

What is a conveyor?

A conveyor system is a fast and efficient mechanical handling device for the automatic transport of cargo and materials in a specified area.

This system minimizes human error, reduces workplace risks, and reduces labor costs – among other benefits.

They are useful to help move bulky or heavy objects from one point to another. A conveyor system can use a belt, wheels, rollers, or a chain to carry objects.

The design allows the movement of objects too heavy or too bulky to be carried by people by hand.

Conveyor systems save time when transporting items from one location to another. Because they can be inclined to cover multiple levels, they make it easier to move objects up and down the floor, a task that, when performed manually by humans, causes physical exertion. Inclined belts can automatically unload the material, eliminating the need for someone at the other end to receive the parts.

2gallery ConveiorSorterAutomatizare Eurofit

Automation systems

Systems compatible with the following industries
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Apparel & Beauty ()
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